{ pkgs, lib, nixvim, ... }: { programs.nixvim = { enable = true; editorconfig.enable = true; clipboard.register = "unnamedplus"; globals.mapleader = " "; colorschemes.catppuccin = { enable = true; flavour = "mocha"; }; plugins.alpha = { enable = true; theme = "theta"; }; plugins.which-key = { enable = true; triggers = "auto"; }; plugins.nix.enable = true; plugins.lightline.enable = true; plugins.lsp.enable = true; plugins.nvim-cmp.enable = true; plugins.nvim-tree.enable = true; plugins.telescope.enable = true; keymaps = [ # file operations { options.desc = "Toggle NvimTree"; action = "NvimTreeToggle"; key = "ft"; } { options.desc = "Find file with Telescope"; action = "Telescope find_files"; key = "ff"; } { options.desc = "Find word with Telescope"; action = "Telescope live_grep"; key = "fw"; } # windows { options.desc = "Switch to window on left"; action = "wincmd h"; key = ""; } { options.desc = "Switch to window on right"; action = "wincmd j"; key = ""; } { options.desc = "Split window vertically"; action = "split"; key = "v"; } { options.desc = "Split window horizontally"; action = "vsplit"; key = "h"; } ]; }; }