
Paste69 is a clone of the amazing, but written in Crystal.
Be sure to check out the source code on Github,
and the original source from mia.

HTTP POST files here:
    curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' {{ fhost_url }}
You can also POST remote URLs:
    curl -F'url=' {{ fhost_url }}
If you don't want the resulting URL to be easy to guess:
    curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fsecret= {{ fhost_url }}
    curl -F'url=' -Fsecret= {{ fhost_url }}
Or you can shorten URLs:
    curl -F'shorten=' {{ fhost_url }}

It is possible to append your own file name to the URL:
    {{ fhost_url }}/aaa.jpg/image.jpeg

File URLs are valid for at least 30 days and up to a year (see below).
Shortened URLs do not expire.

Files can be set to expire sooner by adding an "expires" parameter (in hours)
    curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fexpires=24 {{ fhost_url }}
OR by setting "expires" to a timestamp in epoch milliseconds
    curl -F'file=@yourfile.png' -Fexpires=1681996320000 {{ fhost_url }}

Expired files won't be removed immediately, but will be removed as part of
the next purge.

Whenever a file that does not already exist or has expired is uploaded,
the HTTP response header includes an X-Token field. You can use this
to perform management operations on the file.

To delete the file immediately:
    curl -Ftoken=token_here -Fdelete= {{ fhost_url }}/abc.txt
To change the expiration date (see above):
    curl -Ftoken=token_here -Fexpires=3 {{ fhost_url }}/abc.txt

{% set max_size = config["max_content_length"]|filesizeformat(true) %}
Maximum file size: {{ max_size }}
Not allowed: {{ config["storage"]["mime_blocklist"]|join(", ") }}


retention = min_age + (-max_age + min_age) * pow((file_size / max_size - 1), 3)

    365 |  \
        |   \
        |    \
        |     \
        |      \
        |       \
        |        ..
        |          \
  197.5 | ----------..-------------------------------------------
        |             ..
        |               \
        |                ..
        |                  ...
        |                     ..
        |                       ...
        |                          ....
        |                              ......
     30 |                                    ....................
        0                      256.0                      512.0


If you would like to request deletion, please contact watzon via
Telegram @ watzon, or send an email to chris ‍@‍ ‍0‍x‍45.‍s‍t (do not copy and paste).

Please allow up to 24 hours for a response.