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* validate.js
* read each index.<pos> file, and look up using wordpos and confirm find all words
* Usage:
* node validate index.adv
* Copyright (c) 2012 mooster@42at.com
* https://github.com/moos/wordpos
* Released under MIT license
WordPos = require('../src/wordpos'),
WNdb = WordPos.WNdb,
util = require('util'),
BufferedReader = require ("../tools/buffered-reader"),
_ = require('underscore')._,
path = require('path'),
results = {},
puts = _.compose(function(a){ process.stdout.write(a)}, util.format);
if (process.argv.length < 3) return usage();
var basename = process.argv.slice(2).shift(),
indexFile = path.join(WNdb.path, basename);
if (!path.existsSync(indexFile)) {
console.error('Error: no such file %s', indexFile);
function usage() {
console.log('#Usage:\nnode stat index.adv');
function pos(basename) {
return basename.match(/index\.(.*)/)[1];
function isX(basename) {
return {noun:'isNoun', verb:'isVerb', adj:'isAdjective', adv:'isAdverb'}[pos(basename)];
wordpos = new WordPos(),
bin = results[basename] = {total:0, notfound:0, notlist:[]},
isFn = wordpos[isX(basename)],
words = [],
count = 0;
puts('\nReading %s:\n', indexFile);
new BufferedReader (indexFile, {encoding: "utf8", _bufferSize: 170 * 1024 })
* reads 16 KB chunks by default... there's an inherent nextTick() between chunks in the underlying streaming fns.
.on ("error", function (error){
console.error("error: %s", indexFile, error);
.on ("line", function (line, offset){
// skip license info
if (line[0] == ' ') return;
//if (count > 50) return this.interrupt();
var word = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(' '));
.on ("end", function (){
puts('%d words, processing...', count);
words.forEach(function(word, i) {
isFn.call(wordpos, word, callback);
function callback(result, word) {
!result && (++bin.notfound, bin.notlist.push(word));
if (bin.total == count) done();
function done() {
if (bin.notfound == 0) {
else {
var n = 25;
console.log('%d not found\n%s', bin.notfound, bin.notlist.slice(0,n).join('\n'));
(bin.notlist.length > n) && console.log(' +%d more', bin.notlist.length - n);
process.nextTick(function(){ process.exit(1) });