/** * wordpos_test.js * * test file for main wordpos functionality (both node and browser) * * Usage: * npm install mocha -g * mocha wordpos_test.js * * or * * npm test * * Copyright (c) 2012-2019 mooster@42at.com * https://github.com/moos/wordpos * * Released under MIT license */ // used in src code to signal test mode global.window = global.window || {}; global.window.__mocha = true; var chai = require('chai'), _ = require('underscore'), assert = chai.assert, browser = process.browser = process.argv.includes('@babel/register'), WordPOS = require('../src/wordpos'), path = require('path'), dictPath = browser ? path.resolve('./test/dict') : undefined, wordpos = new WordPOS({ profile: false, dictPath: dictPath, // debug: true }); const assertNoData = (err) => { assert(err instanceof RangeError); assert(/No data at offset/.test(err.message)); }; const assertOffsetErr = (err) => { assert(err instanceof RangeError); assert.equal(err.message, 'Offset must be valid positive number: foobar'); }; console.log('Running', browser ? 'browser' : 'node', 'tests'); chai.config.showDiff = true; var str = "The angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel", expected = { nouns: [ 'bear', 'squirrel', 'little', 'chased' ], verbs: [ 'bear' ], adjectives: [ 'little', 'angry', 'frightened' ], adverbs: [ 'little' ], rest: [] }, garble = 'garblegarble', // expect not to find word offset = 1285602; describe('lookup', function() { it('with callback', function () { return wordpos.lookup('hegemony', function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'n'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'hegemony'); assert.equal(result[0].synonyms.length, 1); }); }); it('with Promise', function () { return wordpos.lookup('hegemony').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'n'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'hegemony'); assert.equal(result[0].synonyms.length, 1); }); }); }); describe('options passed to constructor', function() { var wp, origProfile = WordPOS.defaults.profile; it('should override default option', function(){ wp = new WordPOS({profile:123}); assert.equal(wp.options.profile, 123); assert.equal(WordPOS.defaults.profile, origProfile); }); it('should not erase default option', function(){ wp = new WordPOS({aaa:123}); assert.equal(wp.options.aaa, 123); assert.equal(wp.options.profile, WordPOS.defaults.profile); }); }); describe('getX()...', function() { it('should get all POS', function() { return wordpos.getPOS(str, function(result) { assert.sameMembers(result.nouns, expected.nouns); assert.sameMembers(result.verbs, expected.verbs); assert.sameMembers(result.adjectives, expected.adjectives); assert.sameMembers(result.adverbs, expected.adverbs); assert.sameMembers(result.rest, expected.rest); }); }); it('should get nouns', function() { return wordpos.getNouns(str, function(result) { assert.sameMembers(result, expected.nouns); }); }); it('should get verbs', function() { return wordpos.getVerbs(str, function(result) { assert.sameMembers(result, expected.verbs); }); }); it('should get adjectives', function() { return wordpos.getAdjectives(str, function(result) { assert.sameMembers(result, expected.adjectives); }); }); it('should get adverbs', function() { return wordpos.getAdverbs(str, function(result) { assert.sameMembers(result, expected.adverbs); }); }); }); describe('isX()...', function() { it('should check if noun', function(done) { wordpos.isNoun(expected.nouns[0], function(result) { assert.ok(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if verb', function(done) { wordpos.isVerb(expected.verbs[0], function(result) { assert.ok(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if adjective', function(done) { wordpos.isAdjective(expected.adjectives[0], function(result) { assert.ok(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if adverb', function(done) { wordpos.isAdverb(expected.adverbs[0], function(result) { assert.ok(result); done(); }); }); }); describe('!isX()...', function() { it('should check if !noun', function(done) { wordpos.isNoun(garble, function(result) { assert.notOk(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if !verb', function(done) { wordpos.isVerb(garble, function(result) { assert.notOk(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if !adjective', function(done) { wordpos.isAdjective(garble, function(result) { assert.notOk(result); done(); }); }); it('should check if !adverb', function(done) { wordpos.isAdverb(garble, function(result) { assert.notOk(result); done(); }); }); }); describe('lookupX()...', function() { it('should lookup noun', function(done) { wordpos.lookupNoun('squirrel', function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 2); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'n'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'squirrel'); done(); }); }); it('should lookup verb', function(done) { wordpos.lookupVerb('bear', function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 13); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'v'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'bear'); done(); }); }); it('should lookup adjective', function(done) { wordpos.lookupAdjective('angry', function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 3); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'a'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'angry'); done(); }); }); it('should lookup adverb', function(done) { wordpos.lookupAdverb('little', function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0].pos, 'r'); assert.equal(result[0].lemma, 'little'); done(); }); }); }); describe('profile option', function() { var wp = new WordPOS({profile : true, dictPath: dictPath}); it('should return time argument for isX()', function(done){ wp.isNoun(garble, function(result, word, time) { assert.equal(word, garble); assert.isDefined(time); done(); }); }); it('should return time argument for getX()', function(done){ wp.getNouns(garble, function(result, time) { assert.isDefined(time); done(); }); }); it('should return time argument for lookupX()', function(done){ wp.isNoun(garble, function(result, time) { assert.isDefined(time); done(); }); }); it('should disable stopword filtering', function(done){ var wp = new WordPOS({stopwords : false, dictPath: dictPath}), strWithStopwords = 'about after all'; // 3 adjective stopwords wp.getAdjectives(strWithStopwords, function(result){ assert.equal(result.length, 3); done(); }); }); it('should use custom stopwords', function(done){ var wp = new WordPOS({stopwords : ['all'], dictPath: dictPath}), strWithStopwords = 'about after all'; // 3 adjective stopwords // 'all' should be filtered wp.getAdjectives(strWithStopwords, function(result){ assert.equal(result.length, 2); done(); }); }); }); describe('nested callbacks on same index key', function() { var wp = new WordPOS({dictPath: dictPath}), word1 = 'head', word2 = word1 + 'er'; it('should call inner callback', function(done){ wp.getPOS(word1, function(result) { assert.equal(result.nouns[0], word1); // inner call on word2 wp.getPOS(word2, function(result) { assert.equal(result.nouns[0], word2); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('rand()...', function() { it('should get random word', function() { return wordpos.rand(function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('should get N random words', function() { return wordpos.rand({count: 3}, function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 3); }); }); it('should get random word starting with', function() { return wordpos.rand({startsWith: 'foo'}, function(result, startsWith) { assert.equal(result[0].indexOf('foo'), 0); assert.equal(startsWith, 'foo'); }); }); it('should get nothing starting with not found', function() { return wordpos.rand({startsWith: 'zzzz'}, function(result) { assert.equal(result.length, 0); }); }); }); describe('randX()...', function() { let assertOneResult = (res) => { assert.equal(res.length, 1); }; it('should get random noun', () => wordpos.randNoun(assertOneResult)); it('should get random verb', () => wordpos.randVerb(assertOneResult)); it('should get random adjective', () => wordpos.randAdjective(assertOneResult)); it('should get random adverb', () => wordpos.randAdverb(assertOneResult)); // not found it('should NOT get random noun starting with', () => wordpos.randNoun({startsWith: 'zzzz'}, (result, startsWith) => assert.equal(result.length, 0) ) ); }); describe('seek()...', function() { it('should seek offset', function() { return wordpos.seek(offset, 'a', function(err, result) { assert.equal(result.synsetOffset, offset); assert.equal(result.pos, 's'); assert.equal(result.lemma, 'amazing'); }); }); it('should handle bad offset', function() { return wordpos.seek('foobar', 'a', assertOffsetErr).catch(assertOffsetErr); }); it('should handle wrong offset', function() { const bad_offset = offset + 1; return wordpos.seek(bad_offset, 'a', assertNoData).catch(assertNoData); }); it('should handle very large offset', function() { const bad_offset = offset + 999999999; return wordpos.seek(bad_offset, 'a', assertNoData).catch(assertNoData); }); it('should handle bad POS', function() { const assertErr = err => { assert(err instanceof Error); assert(/Incorrect POS/.test(err.message)); }; return wordpos.seek(offset, 'g', assertErr).catch(assertErr); }); it('should handle wrong POS', function() { return wordpos.seek(offset, 'v', assertNoData).catch(assertNoData); }); }); describe('Promise pattern', function() { it('lookup()', function () { return wordpos.lookup('hegemony').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('lookupX()', function () { return wordpos.lookupNoun('hegemony').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('getPOS()', function () { return wordpos.getPOS('hegemony').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.nouns.length, 1); }); }); it('getX()', function () { return wordpos.getVerbs('bear').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('isX()', function () { return wordpos.isAdjective('little').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result, true); }); }); it('rand()', function () { return wordpos.rand().then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('rand({count})', function () { return wordpos.rand({count: 5}).then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 5); }); }); it('randNoun()', function () { return wordpos.randNoun().then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); }); }); it('randNoun({count: 3})', function () { return wordpos.randNoun({count: 3}).then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 3); }); }); it('randNoun({startsWith: "foo"})', function () { return wordpos.randNoun({startsWith: 'foo'}).then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0].indexOf('foo'), 0); }); }); it('seek()', function () { return wordpos.seek(offset, 'a').then(function (result) { assert.equal(result.synsetOffset, offset); assert.equal(result.pos, 's'); assert.equal(result.lemma, 'amazing'); }); }); it('seek() - wrong offset', function () { return wordpos.seek(offset + 1, 'a').catch(assertNoData); }); it('seek() - bad offset', function () { return wordpos.seek('foobar', 'a').catch(assertOffsetErr); }); });