wordpos Command-line ======= Version 0.1.6 introduces the command-line interface (./bin/wordpos-cli.js), available as 'wordpos' if installed globally `npm install -g wordpos`, otherwise as `node_modules/.bin/wordpos` if installed without the -g. ## Usage: ```bash $ wordpos Usage: wordpos [options] [word ... | -i | ] Commands: get get list of words for particular POS def lookup definitions (use -b for brief definition, less examples) syn lookup synonyms exp lookup examples rand get random words (starting with [word]). If first arg is a number, returns that many random words. Valid options are -b, -f, -j, -s, -i. parse show parsed words, deduped and less stopwords stopwords show list of stopwords (valid options are -b and -j) Options: -h, --help output usage information -V, --version output the version number -n, --noun get nouns only -a, --adj get adjectives only -v, --verb get verbs only -r, --adv get adverbs only -c, --count get counts only, used with get -b, --brief brief output (all on one line, no headers) -f, --full full result object -j, --json full result object as JSON string -i, --file input file -w, --withStopwords include stopwords (default: stopwords are excluded) ``` ### Examples: #### Get part-of-speech: ```bash $ wordpos get The angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel # Noun 4: bear chased little squirrel # Adjective 3: angry frightened little # Verb 1: bear # Adverb 1: little ``` Just the nouns, brief output: ```bash $ wordpos get --noun -b The angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel bear chased little squirrel ``` Just the counts: ```bash $ wordpos get -c The angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel # Noun Adjective Verb Adverb Parsed 4 3 1 1 7 ``` Just the adjective count: ```bash $ wordpos get --adj -c The angry bear chased the frightened little squirrel # Noun Adjective Verb Adverb Parsed 0 3 0 0 7 ``` #### Get definitions: ```bash $ wordpos def git git (def) n: a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible; "only a rotter would do that"; "kill the rat"; "throw the bum out"; "you cowardly little pukes!"; "the British call a contemptible persona `git'" ``` Brief definition: (excludes examples) ```bash $ wordpos def -b git git (def) n: a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible ``` Multiple definitions: ```sh $ wordpos def -b git gat git (def) n: a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible gat (def) n: a gangster's pistol ``` #### Get full result object: ```bash $ wordpos def gat -f { gat: [ { synsetOffset: 3432112, lexFilenum: 6, pos: 'n', wCnt: 2, lemma: 'gat', synonyms: [ 'gat', 'rod' ], lexId: '0', ptrs: [ { pointerSymbol: '@', synsetOffset: 3954735, pos: 'n', sourceTarget: '0000' }, { pointerSymbol: ';u', synsetOffset: 7171981, pos: 'n', sourceTarget: '0000' } ], gloss: 'a gangster\'s pistol ', def: 'a gangster\'s pistol ', exp: [] } ] } ``` #### As JSON: ```bash $ wordpos def gat -j {"gat":[{"synsetOffset":3432112,"lexFilenum":6,"pos":"n","wCnt":2,"lemma":"gat","synonyms":["gat","rod"], "lexId":"0","ptrs":[{"pointerSymbol":"@","synsetOffset":3954735,"pos":"n","sourceTarget":"0000"},{"pointerSymbol": ";u","synsetOffset":7171981,"pos":"n","sourceTarget":"0000"}],"gloss":"a gangster's pistol ","def": "a gangster's pistol ","exp":[]}]} ``` #### Get synonyms: ``` $ wordpos syn git gat git (syn) n: rotter, dirty_dog, rat, skunk, stinker, stinkpot, bum, puke, crumb, lowlife, scum_bag, so-and-so, git gat (syn) n: gat, rod ``` #### Get examples: ``` $ wordpos exp git git (exp) n: "only a rotter would do that", "kill the rat", "throw the bum out", "you cowardly little pukes!", "the British call a contemptible person a `git'" ``` #### Get random words: ```bash $ wordpos rand # 1: hopelessly ``` Get 5 random words: ```sh $ wordpos rand 5 # 5: bemire swan dignify jaunt daydream ``` Brief: ```sh $ wordpos rand -b 5 hebrew awake urn-shaped afeard obvious ``` #### Get random POS: Get a random adjective: ```sh $ wordpos rand --adj # Adjective 1: soaked ``` Get 5 random verbs: ```sh $ wordpos rand 5 --verb # Verb 5: centralise abduct kneecap arise rate ```` #### Get random words starting with: Get a word staring with "foot": ```sh $ wordpos rand foot # foot 1: footprint ``` Get 3 random words string with "foot" and "hand" each: ```sh $ wordpos rand 3 foot hand # foot 3: footlocker footmark footwall # hand 3: hand-hewn handstitched handicap ``` Get a random adjective starting with "foot" ```sh $ wordpos rand --adj foot # foot 1: foot-shaped ``` #### Stopwords List stopwords (brief): ```bash $ wordpos stopwords -b about after all also am an and another any are as at be because ... ``` Get definition of a stopword: ```bash $ wordpos def both -w both (def) s: (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two; "both girls are pretty" ```