class Apatite::LinearAlgebra::Matrix

Included Modules

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Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def, column_count : Int32 = rows[0].size) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.[](*rows) #

Creates a matrix where each argument is a row.

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def, column_count = row_count, &block) #

Creates a matrix of size row_count x column_count. It fills the values by calling the given block, passing the current row and column.

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def self.col_vector(column) #

Creates a single-column matrix where the values of that column are as given in column.

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def self.columns(columns) #

Creates a matrix using .columns as an array of column vectors.

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def self.diagonal(values) #

Creates a matrix where the diagonal elements are composed of values.

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def self.diagonal(*values) #

Creates a matrix where the diagonal elements are composed of values.

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def self.empty(row_count = 0, column_count = 0) #

Creates a empty matrix of row_count x column_count. At least one of #row_count or #column_count must be 0.

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def self.hstack(x, *matrices) #


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def self.identity(n) #

Creates a n x n identity matrix.

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def self.row_vector(row) #

Creates a single-row matrix where the values of that row are as given in #row.

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def self.rows(rows) #

Creates a matrix where rows is an array of arrays, each of which is a row of the matrix.

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def self.scalar(n, value) #

Creates an n by n diagonal matrix where each diagonal element is value.

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def self.vstack(x, y) #


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def, column_count = row_count) #

Creates a zero matrix.

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Instance Method Detail

def *(other : Matrix) #

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def *(int : Int) #

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def *(ind : Indexable) #

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def **(int) #

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def +(other : Matrix) #

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def +(vec : Indexable) #

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def -(vec : Indexable) #

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def -(other : Matrix) #

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def /(other : Matrix) #

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def /(vec : Indexable) #

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def ==(other : Matrix) #

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def [](row : Int, col : Int) #

Returns element (row, col) of the matrix. Throws error on index error.

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def []?(row : Int, col : Int) #

Returns element (row, col) of the matrix, or nil if the index is not found.

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def adjugate #

Returns the adjugate of the matrix.

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def cofactor(row, column) #

Returns the (row, column) cofactor which is obtained by multiplying the first minor by (-1)**(row + column)

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def column(j, &block) #

Iterates over the specified column in the matrix, returning the Vector's items.

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def column(j) #

Returns column vector number j of the matrix as a Vector (starting at 0 like an array).

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def column?(j) #

Returns column vector number j of the matrix as a Vector (starting at 0 like an array).

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def column_count : Int32 #

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def column_vectors #

Returns an array of the column vectors of the matrix. See Vector.

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def determinant #

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def first_minor(row, column) #

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def inverse #

Returns the inverse of the matrix.

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def laplace_expansion(*, row = nil, column = nil) #

Returns the Laplace expansion along given row or column.

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def pretty_print(pp) : Nil #

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def row(i, &block) #

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def row(i) #

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def row_count : Int32 #

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def rows #

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def square? #

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def to_s(io) #

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def transpose #

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def unsafe_fetch(index : Int) #

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