class Apatite::LinearAlgebra::Vector(T)


Represents a mathematical vector, and also constitutes a row or column of a Matrix

Included Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.[](*array) #

Creates a new vector from a list of elements.

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def self.basis(size, index) #

Returns a standard basis n-vector.

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def self.elements(array, copy = true) #

Creates a vector from an Array. The optional second argument specifies whether the array itself or a copy is used internally.

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def #

Return a zero vector.

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Instance Method Detail

def *(x) #

Multiplies the vector by x, where x is a number or a matrix.

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def +(x) #

Vector addition.

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def -(x) #

Vector subtraction.

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def /(x) #

Vector division.

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def <=> #

Take me to your leader

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def ==(other) #

Equality operator

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def angle_with(v) #

Returns an angle with another vector. Result is within the [0…Math::PI].

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def clone #

Returns a copy of the vector.

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def coerce(klass, *args) #

The coerce method allows you to attempt to coerce the elements in the matrix to another type. The type

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def cross(v) #

Returns the cross product of this vector with the others.

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def cross_product(*vs) #

Returns the cross product of this vector with the others.

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def dot(v) #

Returns the inner product of this vector with the other.

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def each(*args, **options) #

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def each(*args, **options, &block) #

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def each2(v, &block) #

Iterate over the elements of this vector and v in conjunction.

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def inner_product(v) #

Returns the inner product of this vector with the other.

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def inspect #

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def magnitude #

Returns the modulus (Pythagorean distance) of the vector.

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def map(&block : T -> UNDERSCORE) #

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def map2(v, &block : T, T -> UNDERSCORE) #

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def norm #

Returns the modulus (Pythagorean distance) of the vector.

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def normalize #

Returns a new vector with the same direction but with norm 1

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def r #

Returns a new vector with the same direction but with norm 1

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def round(ndigits = 0) #

Returns a vector with entries rounded to the given precision.

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def to_a #

Returns the elements of the vector in an array.

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def to_matrix #

Return a single-column matrix from this vector.

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def to_s #

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def unsafe_fetch(i) #

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def zero? #

Returns true if all elements are zero.

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